No Tix on Mac ? Use CCPNMR Analysis as a python/tcl/tk/tix surrogate
Tix installation on Mac can be painfull.
The poor man's solution is to use the python version shipped with CCPNmr Analsyis.
1. If you don't have CCPNmr Analysis installed, download if from the ccpn website and untar the archive. This will create a ccpnmr/ folder
2. Untar the aria2.3 archive. This will create a aria2.3/ folder
3. Save the attached "aria2" script (link)
4. Edit the "aria2" script to specify the paths to the ccpnmr/ and aria2.3/ folders
5. Make the "aria2" script executable (chmod u+x aria2)
6. Start aria by running the "aria2" script (./aria2)