CCPN import errors and pythonpath
Once CCPN is installed, the user can nevertheless get errors concerning the import of CCPN. Typical errors are encountered:
when checking the ARIA installation (command 'aria2 ./')
CCPN distribution:
Could not import the following modules: ccpnmr, ccpnmr.format, ccpnmr.analysis
This does not matter, as long as you do not intend to use the CCPBN data model.
Otherwise, please make sure that the environment variable
CCPNMR_TOP_DIR is set correctly.
when trying to convert the input data files into an ARIA project (command 'aria2 --convert -t convert.xml ')
from ccp.general.Io import getChemCompHead
> ImportError: No module named ccp.general.Io
Solution: You have to modify your environment file (.cshrc or .bashrc), by including the line:
setenv PYTHONPATH .:$CCPNMR_TOP_DIR/ccpnmr1.0/python
in your .cshrc file, or the line:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$CCPNMR_TOP_DIR/ccpnmr1.0/pythonin your .bashrc file.